
Roasting pans 24+28 cm

  • Smart roasting pans from Fiskars
  • 1 x Fiskars roasting pan, 24 cm
  • 1 x Fiskars roasting pan, 28 cm
  • Made from 85% recycled metal

Not a frying pan or a baking dish, but an oven pan from Fiskars. These smart roasting pans are easy to use, easy to clean, and can be stacked on top of each other to save space in your cabinet. The entire cooking surface of the pan can be utilized, as its even heat distribution ensures that the entire bottom is heated. Sustainability has been a key focus in the design of these roasting pans, as they are made from 85% recycled metal. The gift set includes two roasting pans, measuring 24 cm and 28 cm.

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Roasting pans 24+28 cm

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