
  • 10 different seeds
  • 10 hemp mats
  • Tray
  • Inspirational recipes
  • Video guide
  • No experience required

One should not be fooled by the name micro green - because some of the sprouts can get quite large. Micro-green is an easy and quick way to grow delicious edible sprouts at home - it does not require much space and can easily stand on the window sill. The package here contains a complete starter pack with micro seeds, hemp mats, tray and inspiring recipes. And on top of that, you get access to a lot of exciting videos with guides on how to do it, tips and advice to make it all look great at home - so everyone can join in, whether you have tried it before or not. The package includes seeds so you can sow radish, arugula, red cabbage, mizuna, fenugreek, basil, onion, sunflower, pea and amaranth. Micro-green sprouts give fast results and the whole family can follow week by week until they are ready for harvesting.

Recommended retail price DKK 595,-
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